Knowledge Base

Addressing Council

Category: Council Inquiries

Addressing Council can be done in one of two ways - in writing or as a delegation.


In Writing

Requests to Town Council in the form of a written letter or email will be submitted for Council’s consideration at a Regular Council Meeting. These requests may become part of the public record and may be published in a Council Agenda package. These packages are posted on the Town of Claresholm’s website for public viewing and may be reported on by external media. Requests must be received by 4:00 p.m. on the Thursday prior to a Regular Council Meeting, otherwise they will be addressed at the following regular meeting.

Depending on the nature of the correspondence, as determined by Administration and FOIP regulations (not by request), the item may be presented during the In-Camera portion of the meeting, which is therefore not included in the public agenda package nor presented/discussed during the public/recorded portion of the meeting.


If you wish to address Council in as a Delegation, please send your request in writing to There is a limit of two Delegations per meeting and a time limit of 15 minutes per Delegation. Delegations are typically in person, but accommodation can be made for virtual Delegations as well. Any decisions related to a requests made by a Delegation will generally not be discussed until the next Regular Council Meeting. All Regular Council Meetings are livestreamed and recorded to be viewed by the public and uploaded to the Town’s YouTube Channel, and may be reported on by external media.

Depending on the nature of the Delegation, as determined by Administration and FOIP regulations (not by request), the item may be presented during the In-Camera portion of the meeting, which is therefore not included in the public agenda package nor presented/discussed during the public/recorded portion of the meeting.

Updated 5/6/2024 10:40 AM
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